Life Coaching

Welcome to Life Coaching with Martha McCallum

Combining Mind Valley Life Coaching, Hakomi mind/body psychotherapy and walks in rugged natural landscapes to journey to the centre of one’s true self.

Favouring patterns of thought that come from within rather than external sources, to find deep peace, an expansive self-image, abundant joy, and an open door to a bright and exciting future.

Martha McCallum, BSc, MEDes
Certified Life Coach | Hakomi Psychotherapist | ACMG-Certified Hiking Guide

Martha’s interest in stress as the root of illness began with her Master Herbalist thesis on the causes and impacts of stress in 1999. Next she completed a 4-year (part time) certification in Hakomi mind/body psychotherapy, and led Mindfulness in the Mountains weeks in nature for six summer seasons. Most recently she has been immersed in over a decade of international hiking guiding and marrying couples in the mountains.

Life coaching deepens opportunities to connect with your authentic self, and align your life with your highest purpose and self expression. Nature-inspired mindfulness has long been Martha’s passion. 

Why group coaching in the mountains?

Wild nature impacts us profoundly – it inspires, relaxes, enlivens, connects, disconnects, exhausts, alters perspectives, and even scares us all at different times. It invites us to inhale deeply, open our senses, and pay full attention to our surroundings, our inner experience, and our like minded group!

Why use helicopters?

We can fly in 8 minutes to awe inspiring tree-line and alpine landscapes where another human is a rare encounter, and it welcomes those without hiking skills too.

“Things that were too scary to even consider have become a matter of course. I have gained not just courage, but a sense of safety and trust in my own heart. I cannot recommend Martha enough!”
~ Layla Messner, Canmore, AB

“Know thyself”. – Socrates

Join Martha’s on-line Community

On the first Sunday of every month, start your day with a meditation with Martha. Reconnect with group retreat cohorts, ask questions and tell us about your ongoing practice.

  • $120 annual membership
  • $30 2-month membership

“I’ve come to believe totally in Martha’s abilities as a health care practitioner. Her skills and breadth of knowledge are huge, and she’s also extremely caring.”
~ Laura Schlessinger, Canmore AB

“I can’t thank you enough for what that week did for me.”
~ James D., Ottawa ON

“Martha and The Hakomi Method form a brilliant combination. The two played an imperative role in my long-awaited break-throughs. Revealing, liberating, entertaining, comforting – a must for anyone searching for a clearer path.”
~ Kirsten Froese, Canmore AB

“Martha, I really feel you have an ability to enter my world, not to judge, to understand. So I wanted to say THANKS!”
~ R.K.R., Golden BC

“Please keep doing what you are doing! You are making an impact on peoples lives.”
~ Gina H., Toronto ON

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